Do I Need to See a Dentist Every Six Months? By Byron J Nordhus D.D.S. on August 15, 2024

Woman with a healthy, attractive smile

Professional dental exams and cleanings are essential to maintaining good oral health. Although dental visits offer several benefits, many neglect to follow the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendations for dental checkup frequency. Some people avoid professional dental care due to dental anxiety while others wonder, “Is seeing a dentist every six months really necessary?”

The dentists at Nordhus Dentistry, who serve individuals from Wichita and West Wichita, KS, help patients understand why the ADA recommends dental exams and cleanings every six months and the benefits of regular checkups at our Wichita dental office.

Dental Visit Recommendations

The ADA recommends that most adults schedule dental exams every six months. Regular dental exams and cleanings are preventative dentistry tools, allowing patients to be proactive rather than reactive about oral health. People who adhere to dental visit recommendations are more likely to avoid oral health problems or have them diagnosed in their earliest stages while they are still easily treatable.

Although the general recommendation is twice-yearly dental exams, people should follow specific guidelines from their dentist based on their unique oral health needs. For instance, individuals at high risk of dental complications may require more frequent exams and cleanings. Dentists may suggest patients schedule an appointment as often as every three months if they are in a high-risk group, including:

  • Smokers
  • Individuals with gum disease or a history of gum disease
  • Individuals prone to tartar and plaque buildup
  • Individuals with uncontrolled diabetes
  • Individuals with a weak immune system

What Happens at a Dental Check-up?

Dental anxiety is a common reason people avoid professional dental care. Some anxiety is due to a fear of the unknown. Many are unsure of what happens at a dental exam and cleaning and worry that procedures will be invasive or painful. Dental exams and cleanings are straightforward procedures that should cause patients minimal discomfort.

A dental exam usually starts with a visual exam of the teeth, gums, and mouth. Once a year, dentists recommend a dental X-ray to more closely examine the teeth and bones, making it easier to detect issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and bone degeneration. After an oral exam, patients receive a professional dental cleaning. The dentist uses dental tools to clean the teeth, removing plaque, tartar, and food debris, and then polishes them so they appear smooth and shiny. Patients may also receive fluoride treatment to minimize the risk of dental cavities.

After a dental exam, the dentist discusses the findings and recommends necessary dental treatments to restore oral health.

Benefits of Regular Dental Exams and Cleanings

Regular dental exams and cleanings are advantageous to patients in many ways. Some of the benefits of professional dental care include:

  • Detection and early treatment of routine dental problems
  • Prevention of oral infection and other advanced dental complications
  • Preservation of the natural teeth
  • Preservation of oral health, functions, and aesthetics

Contact Us

Regular dental exams and cleanings are essential aspects of a person’s healthcare routine. The dentists at Nordhus Dentistry would be happy to assist you if you are due for a professional dental checkup. Send a message to our dental practice to schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience.

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​Dr. Byron J. Nordhus

Nordhus Dentistry

Dr. Byron J. Nordhus strives to provide the highest level of comprehensive dental care at his Wichita, KS, practice, while treating his patients like family. He uses advanced materials, treatments, and technology to make dental procedures as effective and painless as possible. Affiliations include:

  • Academy of Laser Dentistry
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American Dental Association 

To schedule your consultation, contact us online or call us at (316) 721-6730.

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